Blog as an Alternative Learning media

Original title: Study Blog and its utilization as an alternative learning media for helping to achieve student success in school

A. Background
Undeniably digitizing increasingly penetrated into all fields, including fields
education. From there came the term "blog as a medium of learning?" From searching here and there, I did find some teacher's blog on the topic of education. But, frankly I do not know for sure whether these blogs are used as a medium of learning.
Regardless, I think, the blog has the potential to be developed as a medium of learning. At least the articles in these blogs can enrich teaching materials outside the teaching-learning process in person. In addition, through blogs, the material can be presented more attractive. For, can be equipped with graphics, illustrations / pictures / photos, videos, etc.. Because the blog we are invited to write and read that today these activities are being abandoned people.

With blogs, the learning process also can still take place even if the teacher is unable to give lessons in person at the school. For example when there is the task of upgrading or follow a specific task. This can be done among others through a scheduled post.
Below is a sample blog that contains articles on knowledge about the internet.

B. Formulation of the problem
• What are the benefits of a blog?
• Why blogs could be a medium of learning afternatif?
C. Research purposes
The purpose of this study was to determine what, are the benefits of blogs, invite us to make the blog as a medium of learning. In order to cultivate re-write and read.
D. Theoretical basis
In the face of the current era of globalization, every student should be able to use technology to keep up with the times.
Blog Definition
Origin of the word blog comes from web log. Web means that the Internet, and the log mean is the record. Literally, blogs can be defined as a diary, written and published on the internet. Actually there is no one definitive definition of a blog. There are many definitions of blogs that were scattered in the Internet universe. One of the earliest definitions of blogs is the definition of a blog by Rebecca Blood, blog owner and author of The Weblog Handbook,
Blog is a web page, with the most recent posts placed at the very top of the content, content is frequently updated - sometimes several times a day. Often on the side of the web page there is a list of links (links) that refer to similar pages.
The definition of blogs by Isnaini Ahmed, owner of blog, blog or weblog is a personal record on the internet. contain information that is frequently updated and chronologically. blogs are more synonymous with a diary. fundamental difference is that blogs can be read who wrote. many blogs that focus on one object information, such as politics, web design, sports etc.. but most blogs are more like personal journals, which provides travel and daily life of someone blogger
While the definition of blogs by Faith Priyadi Nurcahyo, blog owner is:
1. Contains writings arranged chronologically
2. Relying on CMS software
3. Having a facility's comments
4. Has a syndication format, such as RSS or Atom
5. His writing is made from a personal standpoint the author
Of the three definitions, there is a thread that can be drawn about the definition of blogs:
a) The Blog is a web page
b) Blogs written by individuals or groups with conversational language and no formal
c) Blog has a facility that allows visitors to leave a blog comment
d) A paper is in a blog is always updated within a certain period
e) The content of a blog is sorted according to chronological time, recent posts located at the very top.

Benefits blog
Blog comes from the word which means web-log records on the web. As home he said, the blog has the main benefit as a medium for conveying information uniuk. Both the personal silatnya, for example diaries, or can also be used for promotion. Blogs can also be used to attract minas. The goal is to attract people to write down their experiences. However, the use of blogs in Indonesia is still limited. Still not maksimat. A good blog can actually cause an inspiration to readers. Payload good writing can certainly give a good effect too. An example is the valuable advice or experience. Through blogs, we can also capture the network, especially with people who have similar interests and hobbies. From there we can exchange experiences and information.
Telematic expert Roy Suryo

Learning Media
The word "media" comes from the Latin word "medium" which means "intermediate" or "introduction". Furthermore, the media is a means of channeling the message or who want to learn the information conveyed by the message source to the target or recipient of the message (Rahardjo, 1986:47). In ¬ teaching and learning activities, the source of the message is the teacher and the recipient is a student. In the process of learning, teaching media is a container and channeling messages from the message source, in this case the teacher, to the recipient of the message, in this case students. In the broader boundaries, Miarso (in Rahardjo, 1986:48) gives the limits of teaching media as everything that can be used to stimulate thoughts, feelings, concerns, and the willingness of students so as to encourage tedadinya pads student learning. In line with the above opinion, Ely (in Danim, 1994:13) mentions the benefits of media in teaching is as follows:
a. Improving the quality of education by increasing the speed of learning (rate of learning), helping teachers to use students' learning time as well, reducing the burden on teachers in presenting information and making teachers more purposeful activity to enhance the spirit of learning
b. Gives the possibility of education that is more individualized with roads to minimize or reduce the traditional teacher control and rigid, giving ample opportunity for children to develop according to his ability and enables them to learn in the way he wants.
c. Give a more scientific basis of teaching by way of present / planned program logic and systematic teaching, develop teaching activities through research, both as a complement or as applied.
d. Teaching can be carried out steadily due to increasing human ability to make use of communication media, information and data in a more concrete and rational.
e. Increasing realization of the proximity of learning (learning immediacy) as medium of instruction can eliminate or reduce the gulf between the reality outside the classroom and in the classroom as well as providing direct knowledge.
f. Giving the presentation of a broader education, especially through the mass media, by utilizing a shared and broader events ¬ rare events and present information that is not too, emphasized the limits of space and time.

Learning success
The success of learning undertaken by teachers and students is determined by its effectiveness in the achievement of learning competencies. UNESCO (1996) set out four pillars of education that is truly ¬ Barns was considered by the management education world, namely:
a. Learning to master of science (learning to know)
b. Learning to master the skills (learning to do)
c. Learning to live in a society (learning to live together)
d. Learn to develop themselves to the maximum (learning to be).
a. Learning to know
In this case the position of a teacher should serve as facilitators in learning. In addition, teachers jugs are required to be able to actively participate as peers in dialogue with students in developing knowledge and mastery of specific knowledge.
b. Learning to do
Will be able to walk if the school facilitates the students to actualize the skills it possesses, as well as the talents and interests. The detection of students' talents and interests can be done through an aptitude test and interest (Attitude test). Although many talents and interests of children affected offspring element (Heredity) but growing development talent and interest in the environment depends pads. Today, the skills can be used sustain the life of a person's skills even more dominant than the mastery of knowledge in supporting the success of one's life. For An coaching on the skills students need to get serious attention.
c. Learning to Live together
One function of education is a socializing agency, the order of life, it means preparing students to be able to live in a society. Social situations should be conditioned on environmental education. The habit of living together, soling respect, open, giving and receiving, should be cultivated.
d. Learning to be
Maximum self-development is closely connected with the talents and interests, physical and psychological development, typology of children's personal and environmental conditions. For children who are aggressive, self-development process will run when given ample opportunity to be creative. In contrast to the child a passive role of teachers as well as a facilitator is needed referring to the maximum personal development of students. The ability of self is formed in schools to the maximum allowed children to develop self-pads a higher level. The four pillars will run well if it was colored with the development of religiousness. Religious values ​​is necessary for every citizen of Indonesia in the tread life of this world. Integrating religious values ​​into the subjects taught / learned students would be more effective in shaping children's personalities are air-Ketuhahan the Almighty rather than taught in a monolithic full of concepts.
E. Method
This means that using qualitative methods, this method combines data analysis with qualitative analysis

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